Hogan gawker trial analysis
Hogan gawker trial analysis

hogan gawker trial analysis

He moved to expose the expert’s lack of knowledge regarding social media outlets to the jury. Sullivan repeatedly referred to Foley’s career as occurring “back in the day.”.

hogan gawker trial analysis

Also that he hadn’t worked as a news reporter in 43 years.

hogan gawker trial analysis

This was done by highlighting that Foley had not worked in a newsroom as a journalist in 24 years. However during an intense cross examination, Gawker’s attorney, Michael Sullivan, attacked Foley’s career and credentials. In an attempt to attack Gawker’s journalistic credibility as an online media source, Hogan’s legal team first called University of Florida journalism professor Mike Foley as an expert on the fourth day of trial. It undoubtedly played a major role in jury deliberations at the end of the trial. The testimony of several expert witnesses with various specializations was at the heart of the case. Daulerio, who posted the video in 2012, company founder Nick Denton, and Gawker’s parent company are all named defendants in the case. Hogan claimed the website exploited his name for commercial gain and the humiliation has caused him severe emotional distress. This is after the online media company posted a sex tape of him and Heather Cole, his best friend’s wife. This was in a lawsuit for “shameful and outrageous invasion of privacy”. Celebrity ex pro-wrestler Terry Bollea, better known as “Hulk Hogan,” was awarded $140 million from Gawker Media.

Hogan gawker trial analysis